Chickie wants to support his friends fighting in Vietnam, so he does something wild—personally bring them American beer. What starts as a well-meaning journey quickly changes Chickie’s life and perspective. Based on a true story.
Runtime: 120 minutes
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War
Stars: Zac Efron, Russell Crowe, Bill Murray, Kyle Allen, Jake Picking, Will Ropp, Archie Renaux, Ruby Ashbourne Serkis, Will Hochman, Christopher Reed Brown, Joe Adler, MacGregor Arney, Hal Cumpston, Kristin Carey, Paul Adelstein, Matt Cook, Shirleyann Kaladjian, Kevin Tran
Director: Peter Farrelly
lantern4444 - 20 March 2024 The Vietnam War through the eyes of a civilian A great movie about the Vietnam War. John, as a civilian goes on a beer run to deliver American beer to his friends from his neighborhood fighting in Vietnam. He wants them to know they haven't been forgotten by the people back home. He believes the US governments justification for the war and views it in the same light as World War II. This view is opposed by his sister who is an antiwar protestor.
John's nativity is seen through his complete lack of understanding of the situation. He soon discovers the dangers and difficulties of traveling in a war zone where the front lines are unclear. Despite this he is able to complete his mission and catches up with his neighborhood friends.
During his time in Vietnam he is confronted with the questionable actions of the CIA and army intelligence and the fact many locals are fearful of the American soldiers. His view of journalists reporting on the war changes when he discovers the dangers they face and falsehoods presented by the Army and local Government.
On returning home he reevaluates his beliefs on the Vietnam war after realizing it is far more complicated and unclear than he first thought.
den_kool1955 - 2 October 2023 Disappointing! Thankfully I read the book first (Which was Excellent!). This movie is a short, fuzzy reflection of the book. It left out a lot of what Chickee did over there. It left out how he got food from a supply ship and fed a lot of people in Saigon during the Tet offensive, including food for the animals at the Zoo in Saigon. It would have made it a better movie if that was included. I guess it would have greatly over flowed the budget and production cost had they included more of what Chickee had done over there. All I have to say is, buy the book and read the whole exciting story of Chickee Donahue.
SixteenFiftyNine - 15 April 2023 Surprising I honestly didn't expect much from this movie simply by the title. The reality is that it's a surprisingly good film. I'd say that this is the best I've seen from Efron to this point in his career. I've somewhat enjoyed him in some other movies, but this is my favorite with him. The story is more serious than both the title and the typical movie "poster" for it would lead us to believe.
I'm mostly struck by the ignorance that a man could have about the situation in Vietnam given he had previously spent years in the USMC. Having been in the military myself I learned a lot of things very quickly and that was during "peacetime" enlistment about the same number of years past the Vietnam war as Chick was past the Korean war. We both entered at the same age as well. I suspect that's because Chick was someone who made certain assumptions going in and he may likely have been a much less questioning soldier than I was, that's certainly what they want in a soldier.
Based on his own book, co-written with J. T. Molloy, this is a story I'm surprised took this long to make it to page and screen. How accurate is his story? I'm sure there is some embellishment but given that he's not the last of his group still on this Earth I'll give him the benefit of the doubt that the story has a reasonable amount of accuracy. Either that or his friends are good sports and willing to play along. ;)
The bottom line, one hell of a story and an entertaining movie that should provoke some deep thought from those blind to what military actions mean.
"That's what war is, it's one giant crime scene."
sgpparalegal - 14 November 2022 Too dramatic Not the comedy I wanted. Very dramatic, sad and real. I was very impressed with Russell Crowe. Zac Enron is great in everything he's in. I cried during the helicopter scene. My dad lived through that era and said, "Yeah. They had no regard for human life." I can't even imagine being in the helicopter. At times, violent. Why does this review have to be so man characters? They want you to write a book but how can you without giving spoilers? I would recommend this if you like more drama in your framed. Or if you like Russell Crowe or Zac Efron. Or you like war movies. At times, it's hard to believe it was based on a true story.
eddie_baggins - 16 October 2022 Fantastic true story, mid-tier movie There was no doubt that streaming service Apple TV+ had high hopes that director Peter Farrelly would experience the same type of success he had in 2018 with the release of The Green Book when his newest effort The Greatest Beer Run Ever premiered at this years Toronto International Film Festival.
Unfortunately for all involved this was not to be the case.
Greeted with a muted to mostly negative response from critics (even if audiences appear more positive about this based on a true life tale) when its premiere occurred in mid-September, Apple quickly unleashed Farrelly's dramedy into theatres and its streaming service with little to no fan-fare or promotion with the Zac Efron headlining feature likely to be a non-event now and into the future.
It's not hard to see why Beer Run has been left by Apple to its own devices, whilst disappointing when you consider the potentially ripe real life story of Efron's Chickie Donohue's adventures in Vietnam during the heat of the Vietnam War, Farrelly's film is neither witty enough or dramatic enough to blend its genre's together to memorable effect while Efron may grow into his role of a slacker New Yorker with a new found purpose but Donohue doesn't make for the most engaging or entertaining central figure considering we spend virtually the whole two hour runtime alongside him.
There's brief flashes of a film that just might have been, whether it's in moments of chaos in Saigon alongside Russell Crowe's (who would've guessed it?) gruff journalist Arthur Coates or Donohue's playful interactions with his local drinking buddies that includes Bill Murray's bar owner The Colonel but for the most part Farrelly feels as though his never comfortable with what his film in and unlike his lauded Green Book, Beer Run struggles to do anything of note even if it's inoffensive in its goals and delivery.
Once touted as a potential Oscar player, Beer Run is going to be marked down as yet another 2022 release that failed to take-off with the Oscar race seemingly being shortened by the week as hyped films quickly drop off the radar due to poor reviews, audience disinterest and a sense of missing the mark in more ways that one.
Final Say -
The Greatest Beer Run Ever may have good intentions and a casually likeable disposition but considering the fascinating true story it's based off and the talent involved, there's no way anyone can walk away from this feature considering it a success.
2 1/2 piles of Elephant dung out of 5.
Jordan and Eddie (The Movie Guys)
filmeddows-59524 - 9 October 2022 Salvador meets The Hang Over. Not TO Be OVER LOOKED Although funny, this is not a comedy movie, this is a serious film. A well-crafted script in the style of Richard Linklater mixed with Oliver Stone themes. It has that authentic nostalgia in its production value similar to another film I watched recently called "Licorice Pizza".
But don't be fooled by the Title and the poster. This is a war movie like Under Fire or even Good Morning Vietnam. Where the protagonist secluded from the hardships of the world realises the true potential of humans to do the most horrendous things.
Everyone has a perspective towards Vietnam, and I really feel this film was able to explore the different belief's without taking sides. Surprisingly this is probably the most trueful representation of war I have ever seen in a movie as it shows both the reality and visceral experience.
I really enjoyed this movie. It helped to settle allot of the feeling I have towards how the world is currently operating. It helped me not to feel alone in my understanding of human nature. But most importantly it did not hide from the truth of war being nothing more than genocide.
This movie is a roller coaster ride but believe it or not it is a feel-good movie. It is simply about the people who do the best they can with whatever they find themselves doing, no matter the tribulation.