Inspired by the life of Captain Vikram Batra (PVC), the film celebrates his bravery, valiant spirit and honors his invaluable sacrifice during the Kargil War of 1999, at the age of 24.
A-Thunder - 10 December 2023 Valiant and Top Quality I new nothing about Captain Vikram Batra and only the rudimentary history about the conflict he fought in prior to watching this film. The cinematography, acting, script, and plot kept me rooted to my spot, hoping against hope for a safe outcome for the hero of this story.
What I loved about this tale is the way they portrayed this soldier, Vikram Batra; a man who chose to live life in the moment with an extreme amount of courage - whether it was confronting a young women with his feelings, marrying her on the spot during and R&R, standing up for himself against neighborhood bullies, or giving all the life he had during battle. Every stereotype I've not realized I've maintained in my head about soldiers was uprooted and broken (the rules-oriented to a tee, flat affect, withholding emotions, and etc. Type of stereotype).
Turns out true courage comes from not wasting a moment of life, making friends with all you deem worthy, spending time to care about acquaintances, taking simple and pure joy when life offers it, sharing that joy with others, and respecting oneself and other.
This film has provided me with much food for thought and I will be looking into this moment in history further.
Movies-On-Weekend - 23 September 2022 A good watch! I had been avoiding this movie because it was more than two hours long but I am glad I watched it!!!
Siddhart Malhotra's best performance till date... He will melt your heart as a lover, too hot!!! As a soldier his barvey is commendable.
Although Kaira Advani had a small role yet she acted well. All of them spoke Punjabi flawlessly which was quite cute =)
The music is lovely and catchy. One would like to play it on loop, no unnecessary background effects.
Would have given 10 full stars if the supporting cast would have shown the same energy.
All in all this movie will make you cry, it will make you giddy, do watch!
goswamidiptanshu - 14 July 2022 Its a Finest Biopic from bollywood! The bollywood's trope of having propaganda in many biopics and ruining with cringe stuff but this was exception, The production value was great and the story and real life interpratation were amazingly showcased, The songs were soulful and bgm was good, The acting was amazing and the feel of battle with the whole emotion and pride of nation was amazingly captured. The fight scenes were intense and the ending it was just tearful specially the song makes the emotion elevated, The ending respects to soldiers were amazing gesture, after a long time from bollywood it was an amazing experience, Overall it was an amazing tribute to army and capt vikram, its a fine biopic and a fantastic movie!
Richard-Stumpf - 16 March 2022 Best Movie This movie lived up to its hype. It's possibly one of the best films of its kind, and I especially liked the development of all the characters. One of the best Movie....& Still my favorite.