
Residents in a lonely gulch of inland California bear witness to an uncanny, chilling discovery.

  • Released: 2022-07-20
  • Runtime: 120 minutes
  • Genre: Horror, Mystery
  • Stars: Eddie Jemison, Daniel Kaluuya, Keke Palmer, Steven Yeun, Michael Wincott, Barbie Ferreira, Brandon Perea, Donna Mills, Terry Notary, Mark Casimir Dyniewicz Jr., Jennifer Lafleur, Sophia Coto, Ryan W. Garcia, Andrew Patrick Ralston, Gloria Cole, Conor Kawalski, Lincoln Lambert, Mark Casimir Dyniewicz Jr., Evan Shafran, Keith David, Wrenn Schmidt, Devon Graye, Oz Perkins, Jacob Kim, Pierce Kang, Roman Gross, Alex Hyde-White, Hetty Chang, Liza Treyger, Courtney Stephens, Caden J. Lovgren, Malcolm Jae O'Shea
  • Director: Jordan Peele
  • stuartpbates - 25 June 2024
    What was this ??
    Well, errrr. I have no idea what the director was trying to achieve with this film .

    What did the monkey going berserk have to do with anything??. The first 5 minutes looked promising but it was a slow burn after that. Why didn't the whole area get flooded with army personal and security services. Why would the flying saucer be so interested in horses ?? What was the show about with the horse in the glass box, where was it supposed to be going. The storyline seemed all over the place. Also why would you have a well that took photos.....bizarre. The ending could have been in Fallout 4 . A different film, but one that was lost on me unfortunately 😔
  • nyan-13427 - 3 June 2024
    A new tyoe of horror movie
    "Nope," directed by Jordan Peele, follows OJ, the brother of the Haywood family, who struggles to come to terms with his father's death while managing their ranch on the outskirts of Los Angeles. Starting with the death of his father, he is engulfed in the horror of a mysterious flying object.

    Personally, I find "Nope" to be a refreshing take on the horror genre, offering a unique experience unlike any other. Rather than relying on gratuitous gore and violence, the film creates a chilling atmosphere that we can't take our eyes off for a moment. Jordan Peele is famous as one of the pioneering directors, and I am also impressed by his camera work. It fosters fear of the UFO and has the effect of keeping the storyline in the future.

    One aspect I appreciate is the film's exploration of the relationship between what is seen and what is believed. OJ and his sister's reckless pursuit of capturing footage of the UFO reflects a modern obsession with documenting every moment, regardless of the risks involved.

    Furthermore, "Nope" delves into the historical and societal burdens faced by black communities in the United States, shedding light on the injustices they endure. However, it also transcends race to explore broader themes of human ego and folly.

    In conclusion, "Nope" offers a fresh and thought-provoking take on the horror genre, making it a must-watch for anyone seeking a new type of horror experience.
  • ykmxncnjb - 5 May 2024
    Cool movie, very different
    This movie was interesting. It stuck with me.

    Not your typical sci fi alien movie.

    I don't watch horror movies, haven't in years so I'm not desensitized. The stuff with the chimpanzee really freaked me out. Didn't have much to do with the rest of the story but it was an interesting side story.

    I wish I had watched it on a bigger screen than my phone as I believe the visuals would have been much cooler.

    Good acting, I grew to enjoy all the characters.

    Michael wincott is always awesome and it was great to see him in this.

    Worth a watch for something different.

    If you're thinking of passing this one up, I say Nope.
  • milosmilanovic-88314 - 12 January 2023
    If you watch it as a parody, it's excellent
    I can't find one good thing about this movie, and I forced myself to watch it till the end.

    I get it, the "deeper" meaning how the alien creature is a metaphor for cameras and/or fame, or whatever. It sucks people in, chews them alive, and spits out the remains, and its eye or mouth - or whatever that hole is - is the eye of the camera. I have no idea if that is what they had in mind with the movie or it's just fans clutching for straws.

    But my God, it is horrible either way. The "horror" scenes are literally histerical. The alien just looks like some OG Star Trek attempt at a costume, and when it sucks people to eat them it just looks like they're lying under a blanket trying to look scared instead of cozy... And then when it flies above and you head the screams sound like you're standing under a rollercoaster, I mean frankly, it's hilarious. If that was on purpose or not, it doesn't matter, it's just comically bad. There is a scene where the "monster" chews the people it ate and then goes to toilet right above the protagonists' house, with bits and pieces falling on the roof, and how the script that involves a man dying by being hit on the head by alien poop isn't one of them, I'll never know. Or the ending where the monster is beaten by chewing on a balloon that pops and makes the monster literally explode. Is Hollywood a balloon waiting to pop? Ah, we'll never know.

    But the worst offenders are the main characters - the sister is obnoxious and acted massively over the top, while the brother just has one facial expression and one emotion, and neither of them are fun. The pacing is at the speed of an indecisive-moving glacier, the first 40 minutes of the movie are one big drawn-out nothing. Finally, the plot is one big gaping hole, and the subplots - the one with the bad chimpanzee CGI especially - are boring and add nothing to the movie. How people can see an alien life form that eats people alive right in front of them and not call the police or get out of there but instead try to record it for... Ah, right, that's the supposed message and the deeper meaning of the movie, don't get eaten alive by the fame you're trying to achieve.

    But maybe the people who made this mess should have made a decent movie. Maybe if your message is that people shouldn't do stupid things in order to get rich and famous, you shouldn't do stupid things trying to get that message across... Especially if you're already rich and famous and you're trying to get more of both. As I said, this movie is hilarious in that it's actually part of the problem it's trying to warn us about, but doesn't realize it at all.
  • shotputty - 6 January 2023
    Nope, this was really bad
    This was just awful acting, especially from the lead actrice, she was way over the top. Scenes with awkward silences for no good reason.

    Bad specials effects / CGI. What the hell are we looking at, a floating bedsheet? I don't know if this was low budget but it does have that appearance. It's slow, boring and directionless.

    What's worse is I paid money to see this movie based on the IMDB rating (6.9). I expect it to go down significantly over time.

    I will make sure to skip any movies made by this director in the future. When he was finished his obvious conclusion was "Nope". One extra star for his honest self reflection.
  • frank-71651 - 1 January 2023
    You definitely shouldn't nope out of seeing this
    Nope takes full advantage of the cinematic power of the opening shot - it's an image that is both mysterious and terrifying, intimidating yet strangely inviting. What follows is a movie that works as social commentary as well as a horror movie - a staple by now of Jordan Peele's short but illustrious career as a director. Questions about race, identity and class weave in and out as a mysterious object from the skies piques the interest of unassuming ranchers led by Daniel Kaluuya, who already worked with the director in his debut smash hit Get Out. And just like in that movie and Us, Nope doesn't falter or get off the rails in its third act like most other horror contemporaries. Instead, it builds up to a climax full of suspense and dread that reveres the Spielbergian spectacle as well as defying it - a cinematic feat that is further amplified by Hoyt van Hoytema's gorgeous cinematography that demands viewing it on a big screen. It's a movie that keeps you glued to the screen while watching and lingers in the mind afterwards, begging for repeated viewings which it certainly deserves.
  • fionawebster - 29 December 2022
    Jordan Peeke has a really unique point of view!
    NOPE is my favorite Jordan Perle movie so far. I purposely stayed away from spoilers, so I had no idea what was gonna happen. From the very first moment, with the scene of gory disaster on a sitcom set, I was hooked. I really appreciated the way the disparate elements were woven together in a way that challenged the viewer. It has sharp humor, great performances, and amazingly powerful sound design.

    Nope reminded me of Rod Serling, Alfred Hitchcock, and David Lynch more than the schlocky horror and sci-fi movies the reviewers are comparing it, too. Not that I don't dig schlocky horror: I just think this was a very intelligent flick, with a fascinating message about what happens to us when we seek out the spectacle, when we look at the Gorgon. The little embedded tribute to SNL's great Chris Kattan, who's fallen on hard times due to a debilitating neck injury, was also very satisfying.
  • wittkecmission - 26 December 2022
    What the hell, Jordan?
    You kinda let me down this time with your third movie. I love your two previous movies, your writing, and your filmmaking styles, but this one left me feeling like a baffled teacher reading a student's incomplete two-page essay. The first page is excellent, but when I flip it over, eager to see where it goes, the second page, to my dismay, is blank. Then I look up and say, "Where's the rest?" The individual scenes are remarkable, but the sum of them creates less of a whole and more of a stitched-together living corpse. Get Out left essentially no questions unanswered. Us left an appropriate number of unanswered questions to be interpreted by audiences. With Nope, too many questions were left unanswered. What happened before that? What happened after that? What does that have to do with this? What does this have to do with that? Will there be a sequel? Is this film deliberately inconclusive? However, one question does have an answer: Will I see this film again in the near future? (insert movie title) Sorry, Jordan, but this only gets a 7/10 from me.
  • sliceoffriedgoldblog - 22 December 2022
    NOPE get a nope from me, dawg.
    Jordan Peele has had quite the career and I respect the hell out of him. Some of modern comedy's best skits are in Key and Peele. Get Out was fantastic, and Us was even better. I even tolerated The Twilight Zone. NOPE is an appropriate title for this one.

    I will preface this by saying I generally do not enjoy alien movies, and I went into this completely blind.

    The plot in two sentences: The Haywoods family, the oldest African-American-owned horse ranch, had a few mysterious deaths and spot a UFO. (Insert a bunch of other stories here). They try to capture the UFO on camera and chaos ensues.

    The cinematography and camera work is fantastic from the start. It has a horror sci-fi western feel and the actors play their roles and interact very well. They help set the tone of tension throughout the film. The plot quickly becomes disjointed when trying to interweave incongruous storylines that never get wrapped up.

    Stories include, but are not limited to: a lone surviving child star, a chimpanzee that snapped, a western theme park, and a couple of cowboys desperate for money.

    Even with analyzing the themes and symbolism written into it, NOPE doesn't hit the mark for me.

    There is a twist in this movie, which leads people to compare this to both Signs and M. Night himself. This twist during the climax was, well, anticlimactic.

    The film relies heavily on suspense and symbolism that will go over the majority of peoples' heads. NOPE is a slow burn with a convoluted and seemingly pretentious premise.

    Takeaway: BE NICE TO ANIMALS.

    Rating: Cinematography: 9/10 Chimp massacre: 8/10 Run time: 2/10 The climax: 2/10 Jellyfish: 2/10 Overall rating: 4/10.
  • holpj - 17 December 2022
    Children's movie
    First of all, NOT EVEN CLOSE to a horror movie. If the trailer did the film any justice, it was 75% accurate. I was so excited to see another Peele production and was EXTREMELY disappointed in 1) lack of fear / shock factor, 2) lack of creativity in the extraterrestrial department, 3) subpar plot that shouldn't have been a pice of work with his name on it. What happened with the blood? We need more discomfort from Peele. I was only appreciative of the camera angles. Is the monkey meant to mean anything ? Other than referencing monkey paw productions ?? I have no idea. No way a UFO explodes simply by a balloon. This movie just missed the mark by a million, will not watch again, will not promote to anyone, even my worst enemy.