Downfall: The Case Against Boeing

Downfall: The Case Against Boeing

Investigators reveal how Boeing’s alleged priority of profit over safety could have contributed to two catastrophic crashes within months of each other.

  • Released: 2022-02-09
  • Runtime: 89 minutes
  • Genre: Documentaries
  • Stars: John Fantasia
  • Director: Rory Kennedy
  • keikoyoshikawa - 20 April 2023
    Greed and Incompetence Kill
    This documentary doesn't give you much new information about Boeing's corporate maleficence and the 737 Max. However, it is still an interesting story summarized well in a movie-length format that touched on some of the victim's lives.

    One of the disgusting things about this entire fiasco is that many in the U. S. - including Boeing and aviation experts - blamed Lion Air and Ethiopian Airlines pilots immediately. Outright racism and colonialism mentality right there in the open.

    Think about it: If non-white pilots are really that incompetent, you'd expect many airplanes dropping out of the sky regularly. Of course, this outrageous knee-jerk reaction was quickly debunked and now everyone knows it was a major design flaw.

    One thing is clear: modern day corporate leaders are not really leaders. They exhibit no true qualities of a leader. They are managers - and bad ones even at that. MCAS was a fix to a fix to save money. I love this quote from Captain Sullenberger ...

    "We shouldn't expect pilots to compensate for a flaw design."

    Well said, sir. I would add that we shouldn't also expect passengers to sacrifice their lives for unethical or incompetent corporate decisions in their singular chase for profits.
  • smoochemail - 4 May 2022
    Boeing and all aircraft manufacturers by 2030 will shift to building private jets as all major airports worldwide will be closed. Read the book Covid-19 The Great Reset by Kingpin Power Broker Klaus Schwab. Also read the reviews to his book on Amazon. The great Reset is upon us. These private jets are for the billionaires who will be permitted to fly. Bill Gates was interviewed by British politician Jeremy Hunt, Gates said we need to becarefull and prepare for a biological attack at airports? - if event 201 is anything to go by? He also said recently this is pandemic one and the next one will be a different pathegeon? How does Bill know this?