
David Whitmer, Oliver Cowdery and Martin Harris face ridicule and persecution when they claim to have seen angels and hefted golden plates containing ancient inscriptions.

  • Released: 2021-06-04
  • Runtime: 110 minutes
  • Genre: Drama, History
  • Stars: Michael Zuccola, Caleb J. Spivak, Lincoln Hoppe, Paul Wuthrich, Dalton Baker, Joel Bishop, Charla Bocchicchio, Lacy Hartselle
  • Director: Mark N. Goodman
  • stevehawkins-39060 - 20 March 2023
    Really Bad Film
    This sets Mormon film making back about 20 years. There are inaccuracies all over the place. Joseph uses the golden plates as weapon to repeatedly hit his attackers over the head until he renders them unconscious. Lot's of gun violence and mobs screaming and yelling (but no explanation why), The film jumps forward and then backward and then forward so many times you'll think you are on the Pirate Ship ride at Lagoon. I was very disappointed at the portrayal of this important era of mormon history. This movie was badly acted, badly written and badly directed. I don't think I've seen a worse film since Madea Goes To Prison.
  • benbergin-797-515939 - 21 July 2021
    Realistic and factual
    An inspiring but realistic portrayal of Joseph Smith and the three primary witnesses of the gold plates and the Book of Mormon translation process. The movie does not pull any punches when it comes to the conflicts, controversies and imperfections of the early leaders of the church. The story flashes back and forth a bit too much which may be confusing to those unfamiliar with Church history. Overall, the movie does an excellent job of portraying a fascinating slice of American history that more Americans should know about.
  • jscottdunaway - 10 June 2021
    Fair portrayal of a complicated story
    Many films have been made about the early days of the Mormon Church. This is the first to treat the founding and organization of the Church from the perspective of the three men who claimed to have witnessed the metal plates from which Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon. The story is complicated even though the message is simple. The film helps us to understand these these men as real people who managed to hold true to their principles even when they felt personally betrayed by church members and leaders. Some of the most controversial aspects of early Church history are intertwined with the lives of these men. Parts of the film may be difficult to understand by those who are not familiar with Joseph Smith and the early days of the Church. Nonetheless, the message of integrity and holding true to principle even in the most difficult circumstances rings true. The film is an important addition to the growing body of literature that is helping enrich our understanding of this unique and important piece of American religious history. It is worth a repeat viewing.