A young woman takes a trip to romantic Verona, Italy, after a breakup, only to find that the villa she reserved was double-booked, and she'll have to share her vacation with a cynical British man.
Runtime: 120 minutes
Genre: Comedy, Romance
Stars: Kat Graham, Tom Hopper, Laura Hopper, Raymond Ablack, Hélène Cardona, Peter Arpesella, Katie McGovern, Sean Amsing, Emilio Solfrizzi, Stefano Skalkotos
Director: Mark Steven Johnson
jeferreiraster - 25 February 2024 Worst romcom I have ever watched As so many other reviews, we start with a very tacky female lead. Her boyfriend of 4 years breaks up with her. A very annoying, clichéd gay best friend tells her how she have never had a stable relationship... uhm? Are 4 years not a stable relationship???
Also best friend only eggs her on the be a horrible human being and then never feautres again.
In the villa... worst acting I have ever seen!!
The supposed pranks... GAG!
Atracting a hoard of cats (who apparently only uses windows, not doors) to attempt to get the guy to move out - that is ATTEMPTED MURDER!! And in NO WAY even slightly funny!
The whole I need more clothes, so let me, on my 3rd grade teacher salary go buy out a whole boutique (uncomfortable high heels and a new handbag for each outfit included) and then seemingly leaving all of that in the Villa when she leaves???? And the scarf?? Why???
Zero chemistry between the two leads. At no point did I think "Go on and kiss the girl..." (hope you sang the little mermaid song as you read that)
Her telling the vineyard boss the 'secret' on his business proposal... possibly costing him his job after already jeopridising it with getting him arrested)... again GAG!
*I had to watch to the end because it was a movie selected for a girls night.
Trust me, my displeasure was very clear.
seshygrl89 - 20 May 2023 Female lead was totally unsympathetic and obnoxious The character of Julie felt more like a villain and I just felt bad for all of the bad stuff she put Charlie through. She took out all of her frustrations of her failed relationship and bad trip on him when he was an innocent bystander and he felt bad enough for her to let her stay in the flat. She repays him by giving him a severe allergic reaction and getting him arrested which could have cost him his job. The stuff she did to him was far worse than what he did to her and when the romance started to suddenly "spark" between them for really no reason I couldn't find myself invested. Felt like she deserved to end up alone in the end because she's a horrible person. For how awful she was to him there is no way they would end up together, ever. Completely unbelievable story and development.
krolandsen - 27 December 2022 Great romantic movie I don't understand the haters. Absolutely a must see with wife or girlfriend. And of you like Italy, that's a bonus star. Great plot with surprises and solid work by all the actors. I gave it 10 stars, and I really think it's deserved. I don't understand the haters. Absolutely a must see with wife or girlfriend. And of you like Italy, that's a bonus star. I gave it 10 stars, and I really think it's deserved. I don't understand the haters. Absolutely a must see with wife or girlfriend. And of you like Italy, that's a bonus star. I gave it 10 stars, and I really think it's deserved. I don't understand the haters. Absolutely a must see with wife or girlfriend. And of you like Italy, that's a bonus star. I gave it 10 stars, and I really think it's deserved. I just copied the text, didn't want to spoil the movie.
drunk-an-disorderly89 - 11 October 2022 I really really wanted to like it.... I'm a big fan of romantic comedies, and I'm quite easy to please when it comes to them, as I can tolerate a bit of cheese and wooden acting if the overall story is good. Overall this film had a lot of issues that I could force myself to over look, but the one thing I couldn't was the lack of character & story development, which made it hard to watch, so much so I nearly turned it off a couple times.
The way they act/treat each other in the beginning feels like there should of been some sort of familiarity or foundation between them, something you don't get with two strangers which is what they are meant to be. For instance the animosity and point scoring between the leads in similar films, such as "Just married" or "what happens in vegas" works because the characters have familiarity, they like each other first or have something that connects the two of them before the battles start. But with these two in this film there was none of that, there was nothing to warrant them doing those things to a complete stranger and sticking around while a stranger did those things to them. Nor did it make sense why the battles even started when they had both nicely and respectfully made an agreement to share the apartment. Lastly rom-coms often have the leads suddenly fall in love way to quickly, but with this film it was ridiculous... they literally take a break from torturing each other to have a glass of wine, and suddenly they like, respect and love each other.
craigandrewriley - 30 September 2022 Perhaps I'm not the demo they're aiming it at I guess there's a market for all these "romcoms" which have turned up on Netflix over the past few years. It definitely isn't me though! Lol
This is set in a lovely setting, certainly makes me want to go on a vacation there.
It's all so pointless and uneventful though, and the cliches... well, I guess they're cliches for a reason.
The highlight is Laura Hopper's campy, vampy Cassie - all wrapped in leather with bright red lipstick and overly rounded vowels.
Tom Hopper is definitely a great piece of eye candy to draw the ladies in, looking at my partner's face, it's worked well in that regard.