2000 Mules

"2000 Mules," a documentary film created by Dinesh D'Souza, exposes widespread, coordinated voter fraud in the 2020 election, sufficient to change the overall outcome.

  • Released: 2022-05-02
  • Runtime: 89 minutes
  • Genre: Crime, Documentaries
  • Stars: Dinesh D'Souza, Catherine Engelbrecht, Larry Elder, Eric Metaxas, Sebastian Gorka, Dennis Prager, Hans von Spakovsky, Debbie D'Souza, Gregg Phillips, Charlie Kirk, Hans von Spakovsky, Stacey Abrams, Bret Baier, Joe Biden, Wolf Blitzer, Chris Cuomo, James O’Keefe, Don Lemon, Joy Reid, Shepard Smith, Donald Trump, Chris Wallace, Mark Zuckerberg
  • Director: Dinesh D'Souza, Bruce Schooley, Debbie D'Souza
  • DanStiegen - 25 May 2024
    FAKE BALLOTS AREN'T COUNTED... For heaven's sake, folks
    The entire premise of this film is completely misleading. You can't stuff fake ballots into a drop box! They won't be counted!

    Yet that's what the filmmakers promote as some way of stealing an election. You just push paper in. They even have an actor doing that.

    Ignoring the fact that only real ballots matching the county voter lists will count, and officials check signatures and for duplicates. Election officials have been doing mail-in for 100 years.

    And real ballots can just be mailed.

    So there are no mules. There's no point for them to exist and no evidence for them. They are a complete invention.

    The only real video clips D'Souza has are normal people putting their ballot into a box. All his other videos are staged, and his cellphone data includes countless people who didn't go within ten feet of a ballot box. He never ties a single person to any phone to any drop box.

    How can anybody believe this nonsense?
  • daniel_garman - 20 February 2024
    True the Vote - relied upon heavily in 2000 Mules - admitted in court they have no evidence
    True The Vote was ordered by the court to provide evidence to the claims they were making. TTV had filed a complaint with the state, and because of this, the state was able to pull them into court to compel evidence. These were their responses to the Court.

    Re: Coordinated collection of ballots: "TTV does not have in its possession, custody, or control identity and contact information. Any otherwise potentially responsive non-privileged items not requiring retrieval of massive amounts of raw data from cold storage, that are within TTV's possession, custody, or control are being provided.

    Re: the "contracted team of researchers and investigators": "TTV does not have in its possession, custody, or control such identity and contact information. Any otherwise responsive non-privileged items that are within TTV's possession, custody, or control are being provided."

    Re: Their primary source whom they claimed had evidence: "TTV does not have in its possession, custody, or control, identity and contact information for John Doe or any such items concerning him." (Same response for "John Doe's mother).