A gripping documentary exploring the afterlife based on real near-death experiences, conveyed by scientists, authors, and survivors.
Runtime: 103 minutes
Genre: Documentaries, Drama
Stars: Nick McCloud, Koko Marshall, Nicholas Saenz, Raymond Moody, Doug Lito, Don Piper, Drew Neal Horton, Michael Jovanovski, Kate Duffy, Fabian Jaime
stnovkov - 29 February 2024 It's a must watch to open your point of view This movie will not be accepted by the antagonist and atheists, as it lies on the concept that we don't live in a straight-material world. It's hard to be accepted by the religious people as well, as it raises a lot of questions, that are not answered in the Bible.
Of course, it stays only a theory after all, nothing is yet proven by our modern technics or systems. It could be all fantastics. But if the emperical path shows that all people who survived clinical death have memories, and these memories somehow are saimilar or sometimes identical, than, our of pure curiosity, this movie is worth it.
nealsharmon - 21 November 2023 Thoughtful experience that left me thinking about my relationships After Death was visually captivating, thought provoking, and left me thinking about how I can improve my most important relationships. I loved how the filmmakers imagined the visualizations of the testimonies of those who have had near death experiences. They spoke of light and love and music without description, which was portrayed with shots of space, beautiful vistas, and beams of light. The thought of passing onto the next life made me think about what I spend my time doing and whether I want to change my priorities. Finally, I found myself thinking about my most important relationships and how I can improve them.