Four years after the destruction of Isla Nublar, Biosyn operatives attempt to track down Maisie Lockwood, while Dr Ellie Sattler investigates a genetically engineered swarm of giant insects.
Released: 2022-06-01
Runtime: 147 minutes
Genre: Action, Adventure
Stars: Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, Laura Dern, Sam Neill, Jeff Goldblum, Mamoudou Athie, Scott Haze, Dichen Lachman, Daniella Pineda, Campbell Scott, Isabella Sermon, Justice Smith, Omar Sy, DeWanda Wise, BD Wong, Joel Elferink, Jake Johnson, Kristoffer Polaha, Elva Trill, Lillia Langley, Glynis Davies, Dimitri Vegas, Adam Kiani, Enzo Squillino Jr., Bastian Antonio Fuentes, Bernardo Santos, Ross Donnelly, Manuela Mora, Teresa Cendon-Garcia, Metin Hassan, Cokey Falkow, Caleb Hearon, Jasmine Chiu, Emilie Jumeaux, Eleanor Tata, Lynn Hunter, Cathleen Summers, Patrick Loungway, Michael Bendib, Freya Parker, Alexander Owen, Ahir Shah
Director: Colin Trevorrow
masonfisk - 10 June 2024 DINOSAURS UNDONE BY A POOR SCRIPT...! The latest, the sixth by count, in the series which began way back in 1993. Following up on the events of Fallen Kingdom where the large & scaly ones now roam the Earth w/o abandon, we find our heroes, Dallas Bryce Howard & Chris Pratt, together w/their new clone of a charge, Isabella Sermon, as they try to corral the beastly creatures & shuffle them off to safer climes while a new billionaire, Campbell Scott (modeled after Apple's Tim Cook my viewing partner remarked), who has a preserve in Europe where he's also doing the Lord's work keeping the Jurassics in check but no sooner does the appearance of all this philanthropic activity rear its head, evil shenanigans begin w/the appearance of oversized locusts attacking a farm in spitting view of one of Scott's factories where no harm has come to it. Lo & behold the revelation that the beneficial conglomerate has something to do w/it comes as no surprise to no one except the people on screen who by film's end have to right the wrongs & let the wild ones roam. W/the supposed added benefit of having the original Jurassic Park stars back in action (Sam Neill, Laura Dern & Jeff Goldbloom), the film is clock a block full of action & dino mayhem but what it lacks is a coherent script & an unjustified need to have all these returning players when they could've used the newer characters (DeWanda Wise, Dichen Lachman & Mamoudou Athie) to craft something maybe different (especially since the notion of human DNA manipulation tied to dinosaurs has been introduced). Billed the last in the series (I bet!), I wonder if they'll try something truly new when the inevitable follow up comes a calling in a few years.
AndyCaosLock - 26 April 2024 Very silly film, gets better as it goes. I nearly gave up early on but stuck with it, once I had got used to just how silly it was though I started to enjoy it.
The Dinosaurs do seem to have the advantage over the humans on the brains front though. I had to wonder if the script might have been a little better if the large beasties had of been given some kind of writing role.
There does seem to be some reluctance to shoot dinosaurs, I would have thought this was the way to go when the crafty little devils are trying to eat you. Tazers seem to be the weapon of choice though, best to get close up and personal I guess, give them a sporting chance and all that.
Suspend all belief, marvel at the awful script and cheer the dinosaurs on. 5 stars.
johnnyb666 - 24 March 2024 Just awful Apart from the terrible script, terrible story line and just awful acting.
The return of original cast members don't really add anything to the story or the overall outcome, not to mention the T Rex from the original movie as well....again nothing but nostalgia for franchise fans
I went in to this movie with very little expectation after the last couple but I honestly didn't think that this one would be as bad as it was. Chris Pratt in his huge popularity couldn't save this car crash
And one last thing, I need someone to tell me how it's possible for a movie to look so much worse than the original one made three decades ago. It shouldn't be possible.
Richie-67-485852 - 11 January 2023 SELF-INFLICTED BRAINDEATH How can anyone ruin a Dinosaur picture in today's day & age? We have CGI, actors, dinosaurs what can wrong? NO STORY or a goofy one. How embarrassing for all those well-known actors in this film. Their misstep is probably offset by their paycheck. I cringed as I saw this movie trying to be other than a dinosaur movie and it borrows from other films shamefully. The premise in this movie has us believing and taking dinosaurs for granted like if you would see an ant's nest or a cloud formation no big deal and certainly not worth a second look or a dwelling moment. Even the writers couldn't wait for their script to end which becomes apparent as we wrap things up in the movie. I suppose this film will appeal to some group or persons, but I am at a loss to know who that would be? Methinks this is the end of something wonderous, beautiful and adventurous i.e. Dinosaurs roaming the earth brought to us via a good movie. Hey, here is a good ending: They bring back dinosaurs and they completely take over the earth once again, becoming the dominant species and wiping out mankind. Bye bye Hollywood.
eldavoloco - 8 January 2023 Jurassic Porn Once again, the owners of the Jurassic Park property have returned to the trough to feed off of the public's undying love of dinosaurs. Unfortunately, all that they have for us is a reheated stew of everything from the previous films, minus any kind of intelligent or interesting plot.
I used "porn" very deliberately in the title of this review, as the film reminds me of the days when x-rated movies thought that they needed to have some kind of "plot" as connective tissue between the action scenes that people were coming (err, sorry) for, but only put the minimum of thought and effort into them.
The structure of this movie is much the same, stretches of boring "plot" with awkward coincidences and improbable events driving the action forward when the writers are too lazy to come up with something plausible, followed by the same old obligatory "action"... main characters gazing in wonder at dinosaurs. Dinosaurs causing havoc. Main characters stalked and threatened by dinosaurs, but always managing to escape, however improbably. Main characters in vehicles dangling on the edge of a deadly plunge, being threatened by dinosaurs. Bad guys and random extras getting eaten by dinosaurs. Jeff Goldblum there to cynically comment on it all and say "I told you so". Yawn.(OK, I still enjoyed the Jeff Goldblum stuff, we all have our kinks...). And really, you're going to (repeatedly?!?) bring back Chris Pratt controlling dinosaurs with only an upraised palm? (facepalm)
I guess they thought that by making it bigger, longer, and louder, they were making it better, but all they did was give us more time to contemplate how pointless the whole exercise was.
Badger1210 - 6 January 2023 The greatest example of a story that didn't need to be told This is such a bad movie and I am only five minutes in. The beginning exposition already tells you how the movie's narrative will go which is bleeding heart leftist liberal trashing of "evil" corporations and generally anyone who disagrees with them; and that was just the exposition. Next we get two SFCs who break into "bad" ranchers triceratops barn where we get how "medieval", this is. Then we are treated to one of them just touching the animal and stating, "I don't think he is gonna make it", how the heck does she know that? But, SFC is always right and when they escape the man who drives the getaway van is replaced by the other SFC awho masterfully drives with a blown out tire while their pursuers get hit by the adult triceratops, SMH.
This movie is bad out of the gate and it only gets worse, nose dive story and with terrible CGI. I would feel sorry for the actors but honestly, I think they knew it ahead of time and just wanted a good paycheck.
mikecoopey - 27 December 2022 Reveal/chomp/run/repeat. How can they keep getting the balance so wrong? I had to watch the final instalment, despite the ongoing 'World' disappointments. I hoped Trevorrow would finally watch the original JP and pick apart what made it so thrilling and emotionally engaging. But, nope. It just gets worse.
Having sat through Dominion, it is clear that Trevorrow's only take on a Jurassic Park movie is to throw as many dino scenes at the screen as possible with barely room to breathel. Narrative, dialogue, character development, sense and subtlety an afterthought. Like a 5 year old tipping a bucket of plastic dinosaurs on the floor and randomly, repeatedly smashing each one in your face while making up some loose story as to why it's happening. It's fun and interesting to start with, but all too quickly you could not be more sick of the seemingly endless whateversaurus reveal/chomp-chomp/runaway. 2 hours of the same scene / different dino repeated over and over and over with barely a sliver of story building.
I find it incredulous to think how a big summer, big budget blockbuster about rampaging dinosaurs could be this long and boring. The last hour was painful and my brain was fully tuned out long before the finale, let alone all that extra padding stuffed on the end. Long after they'd pummelled our over-stuffed faces with endless servings of dinosaur, they served up a dessert of... dinosaur. Just one more spoonful. And another. And another. And another. Even when the awfully desperate dual storylines wrapped, the credits just wouldn't roll. "We have MORE DINOSAURS!!". The film wasn't even about dinosaurs in the first place! Not that there was even much of a story, but not one single dinosaur had any connection to the main narrative. Just a tissue paper thin story off the back of a director's need to rinse and repeat the same 'thrilling' scene over and over, and believe me this guy doesn't know how to craft a thrilling scene either. You see everything coming. Loud and noisy. Colin Trevorrow jumping on a couch shouting "And you get a dinosaur, and you get a dinosaur, and you get a dinosaur".
I've not even mentioned the stupid caricatured baddies striding away from danger in dark glasses, or the way main characters repeatedly find or bump into each other over a 100 mile radius. And that painfully stupid velociraptor vs hand thing again and again. "Hey... here's that stupid hand thing again". How we all long for Blue to finally rip Chris Pratt's face off.
I think after this rant, my phone is going to autocorrect every word to 'dinosaur' for a few weeks. I'm truly glad to think this is a last in the series, yet utterly disappointed that this is where we ended up.
ruchitha-99752 - 12 December 2022 If they made a movie with just the Dinosaurs, It would probably faired well. Money can buy good cast, the set-work the animations. But Money cannot fill Life to a movie. Cinematically I would give it a 7, but the movie is just not up to its origins...
The esthetics was cool, The cast were stuck in a bad loop of the script, maybe it was good money and a free ride to old times. But its mind boggling how lifeless the movie was. Funny how some action sequences was obvious non would get hurt but the director tried SOOO hard to make us believe they would lol
P. S:- What is up with Hollywood trying to sneak in fake feminist's agenda in Movies. Matrix, marvel movies, now this women who can give birth without a male. Jeeezazzz.
boattop - 25 November 2022 Please avoid this at all costs Even the dinosaurs were bad, the acting was horrible. Jeff Goldblum may be a man of fashion but acting has certainly never been his forte...same for Chris Pratt. Bryce???? Meh.
I did not pay a nickel to see this insult to our brains...from the library...thank goodness.
Life is short, please do not make your life shorter by watching this drivel.
The only excellent Jurassic was the original. Sir Richard Attenborough must be rolling in his grave.
So in closing, ( I have to write 1000 characters) promise me you will not let your children and grand children watch this disgrace of a movie. Please!!!
tenore65 - 8 November 2022 Great as a Comedy I really loved the original Jurassic Park and will never forget how awesome I found everything about the film. The scenery was gorgeous and the animals were so realistic that I was astounded. I praised it to anyone who would listen and I saw it multiple times to see their reaction and to see how it related to my own.
SO, I had heard how bad this one was and couldn't believe all the terrible things I heard because how could you NOT like a film about these amazing-looking beasts! I ended up enjoyed this as a comedy for too many reasons to list. First and foremost, the script was ludicrous. From the first scene, I knew what was going to happen and how it was going to end. The most notably hilarious to me personally? First, DeWana's hair and makeup throughout were perfect, even with all the dirt and hysteria, including falling through the ice into frigid water and coming out dry and not shivering at all. Second, Campbell Scott's "menacing" character was as villainous as my great grandmother when someone didn't enjoy her pasta. And finally, the dinosaurs themselves were seen too infrequently and they looked ugly and unreal, unlike in the first installment of the franchise. The first scenes were actually comical instead of menacing.
Avoid this disaster at all costs. Don't waste your money. The only thing I can say in a positive way is that it finally cured my insomnia!!