
Eight year old Peter is plagued by a mysterious, constant tapping from inside his bedroom wall—one that his parents insist is all in his imagination. As Peter's fear intensifies, he believes that his parents could be hiding a terrible, dangerous secret and questions their trust.

  • Released:
  • Runtime: 88 minutes
  • Genre: Horror, Thrillers
  • Stars: Anton Kottas, Lizzy Caplan, Luke Busey, Cleopatra Coleman, Antony Starr, Woody Norman, Jay Rincon, Steffanie Sampson
  • Director: Samuel Bodin
  • jimmysgeektalk - 19 June 2024
    Presently surprised.
    Why the hell didn't Lionsgate market this film better??? This was so much better then some of the other films Lionsgate has been really pushing ( Smile for example). This was a real slow burn but it worked so well. Anthony star and Lizzy Caplan are brilliant and creepy as the mum and dad they make you feel so uncomfortable. The idea of this film is simple that's what works for it, it is what it is a creepy story and doesn't rely on cheap jump scares or loud music to get its point across. So many horror films try and be more then what they are this one knows what it is and stays in its lane so it's a nice surprise.
  • d-shilling-1 - 22 April 2024
    It was okay
    The tile of my review says it all really, it was okay. It started off very well, nice direction and quite creeepy at some points but the 3rd act is where this movie really fell apart.

    Antony Starr is brilliant and really sinister as the father of the household but even he can't save this.

    I really think it just tried to be too clever, modern horror movies try to be too twisty turner with a new surprising plot twist around ever corner when it's not necessary. Not everything has to be a simple slasher but a more simplistic formula could have save this.

    On that note it certainly doesn't deserve its low scores or mega high one for that fact, it's an okay once watch but really won't get any repeat viewings.