A fearless, faithful albeit slightly forgetful Mumbai cop, Veer Sooryavanshi, the chief of the Anti-Terrorism Squad in India pulls out all the stops and stunts to thwart a major conspiracy to attack his city.
neeltanish - 25 June 2023 AMAZING This movie was so good made me buy aviator sunglasses, i learned how to put on and take of sunglasses while looking awesome and mastered how to walk away from explosions! Im going to be watching this on Sunday at 1:29 pm for the rest of my life. I learned that my physics teachers all wrong and Sooryavanshi, Simmba and Singham are better than Einstein and Newton. I am dreaming of the day Sooryavanshi 2 comes out! This movies changed my life I'm now practicing how to hang on a moving helicopter and pull people off of jet-skis while in the air! This needs to have more sunglasses and needs to zoom in to Omar's knee a bit more!
najmulbappy - 15 May 2022 Worst movie Why! Just why do trigger specific religion to impose your thought about terrorist and tourism!
Come On Rohit, you can do much better than this kind of garbage and yes, this is the worst movie I have seen in my entire life.
parasadvani-30709 - 7 March 2022 Such a waste if time and same old plot Dialogues like the old cliche patriot, over-proving the strength of indian police and others. The comedy scenes appear to have been pushed down your throat. Not sure what were the story writers and director thinking while making this movie.